Get Involved

Hidden away at the First A. M. E. Zion Church in San Jose, is a treasure of African American memorabilia collected and curated by Clarissa Moore, a member of the Santa Clara County Human Rights Commission.

Join Clarissa for a virtual tour of this local archive at the WILPF meeting. You will see a "Manumission Papers" document, posters from the '70's about abolitionists, Carter Woodson and Black History Week, plantation images that contrast slave quarters with stately mansions.

The Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) hosts.

The Raging Grannies open and close the meeting so arrive early! The link opens at 6:45.

This virtual meeting is our regular third Friday WILPF SJ meeting.The San Jose Branch of WILPF meets every month for a free program about people pursuing peace and justice in our communities and around the world. Everyone is welcome to join us.


The third Friday of each month, 7 PM.



On Zoom.

Find the link on meetup:



We select issues based on the times that threaten the peace or justice of our society and the world. Among the campaigns we've launched are: Save the Water (resist privatization of water supplies); Building Peace with Justice in the Middle East (in collaboration with the national WILPF); Tax Day leafleting to protest use of our tax dollars for the military and suggest ways to redirect our resources; Holiday Peace Fair, an alternative gift-buying festival with international entertainment and food; Women's March on Washington (joining with other Bay area groups); Clothesline Project to reverse and transform the harmful effects of violence against women. 


The Raging Grannies is an activist organization with branches in many cities across the U.S. and Canada, and in other countries. They are (mostly) women old enough to be grandmothers, who dress up in wild clothes in defiance of stereotypes of older women, and sing satirical songs at protests, marches and rallies. They welcome men and younger women and children to join them in raising a voice against tyranny.


We collaborate with other local groups on issues of common interest. Our partners include: The San Jose Peace & Justice Center; National Women's Political Caucus; Ethical Culture Society of Silicon Valley;


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